Saturday, August 2, 2008

hiii ;P

i made some cosmetic changes to the corsetkini, it looks like this now:

thats also the new layout of my clothing products in the catalog same for the mystery girl outfit... and additionally to that i made new icons, they look like this:

catalog icon

and this is my not quite as new banner ^^

Friday, July 18, 2008

a short notice ^^

thanks to Jimbow4 from the blender creators group who posted the link i was able to improve the spiderweb (and others to come) with a facial animation!

get them here (instructions included) ^^ :

Thanks DeliveranceNow! :)
wooooohoooooo, finally! i managed to finish the belt for my mystery girl outfit... the attachment isnt perfect, and maybe it needs some correction (once i can try it on imvu), but i'm quite content about the result (which is hard, i'm pretty perfecionistic) ... anyways, here goes:

will be exchanged with a pic of the base outfit + belt once i submitted it ;)

the armor part gets in the way of the hand depending on the pose... but its smaller than the "original" already, so i dont want to shrink it even more... not sure if anyone's gonna buy it anyways lol.... i wouldnt recommend it... well at least wait until the shoulder part is ready too
always remember to parent stuff you add later too! ;P thats my lesson for today ^^

anyways, here's the product, my infamous (well maybe not so much lol) rattlesnake "sofa"!!

there are also 3 normal sitting poses, 1 standing pose and another custom pose at the back of the snake...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hiiii nobody (i checked ;P ... well it seems there have been 3 visits that werent me... guess its a start lol )

i finally made some advancements and finished my first furniture with poses! Actually ive already finished 2 and another one almost, but there's still some problem.... anyways, making poses is soooo easy, go here: ^^

get it here!

and here are my 2 new additions:

there are also 2 normal seating spots on the sides and one standing pose in front, the texture isnt final...

and here's my custom furniture for people with an arach-avi (like me): theres also another pose for the spider but i cant do both in the previewer...

and look forward to the rattlesnake-sofa and the grand elefoop!!! ;P

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

hiiii again!

i finally managed to get a 3d model working on imvu! its an elefoop chair ^^

this is what it looks like in the previewer:

now here's the problem, i cant submit it, because i dont have the 750 credits for that :( ... so if any of you (if anyone even reads this blog lol) would like to own an elefoop chair, buy my other products! ;P or if you dont have real credits and didnt do that yet, register at using this link:

why use the link you ask? well because for every activated account (means you confirm your email after registering) that was made using this link i get 50 metapoints (= 50 credits) ... it doesnt cost you anything, just a couple of minutes, and you can earn some creds yourself too. If you want to know more before registering go here:

this is a blog about metarl i made to earn some extra metapoints (so can you)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Yaaaay, i'm broke! ;P
i spent my last credits on 2 new submissions...
my corsetkini and a sticker (my first elefoop-series product)
here they are

Monday, June 16, 2008

Here comes the best site ever! Just kidding, but its really helpful if you want to make 3d stuff for imvu and cant (or dont want to) afford 3ds max.

blender to imvu hp

i'm still having some problems with my accessory (the belt) but i hope they'll be solved soon and i can add my 2nd item to the shop!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Can anyone help?

Ok, heres something totally unrelated to imvu. Well mostly.

Theres this picture:

i'd really like to know who made it or where its from. i just saved it and forgot on what page i found it...

the imvu related part is, this is what i'm trying to create. I've just uploaded the "main part", the top and pants... for the rest ive got to figure out how to make accessories in blender first. kk, hope anyone can help ^^

anyways, this is what it looks like:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Btw, if youre new (doesnt really matter now that i think about it) on imvu and, like me, always need credits, heres my other imvu related blog that could help:

only click here if youre dont know about yet

i almost forgot, very important:

imvu derivables

Monday, June 9, 2008

How to start

Ok, so i bought my name and thought, finally a creator! Well, lets just say me not having any 2/3D designing history at all doesnt really help ;) .

I'm aware there are quite a number of tutorials out there, but i'm a noob myself, so maybe from my point of view its easier to understand, but i'll actually see this more as a tutorial tutorial, because i wont explain much byself but refer you to better sources if i found any.

First of all, even if you have your name, you need credits! So i suggest, you get a bundle with name + credits. For what you ask? Submission fees! Yup, thats right, you pay at least 500 cr for every item you submit to the catalog (except stickers, they only cost 100), and you have to pay that even if you decide you dont want the item in the shop but just for yourself. Yeah, i know that sucks, but i guess if youre serious about creating stuff you'll earn enough to make up for that. Somehow.

Now to the actual creating ;P

From what i had heard, which wasnt much at all, i thought you'd get the tool to do the actual creating from imvu. Well you dont. Depending on what you want to create you need at least something like Photoshop (expensive) or Gimp (free) for 2d and 3ds max (very expensive) or blender (free). With those you can do most things except create your own 3d models and (original) clothing.
As and explanation, you get 2 possibilities:

- derive from existing products, wich means you basically just change the textures (downside is, you have to pay a derivation fee and the original product price will be included in the final selling price, more about that later)

- create your own stuff from the scratch (i think except for stickers this is mostly for people with some experience in 3d design)

Anyways, the first step to do is check out the tutorials in the imvu creator center. They dont help a lot if youre a complete newbie like me though.
ok, on imvu itself i cann recommend these:

tutorials galore on imvu

3d program tutorials on imvu

theyre both collections of tutorials, so a lot of information there.

What helped me most so far was this:

VixyHart's clothing tutorial

get more tutorials at youtube, there's one for furniture with blender (unless you already have 3ds max or have "some" spare money to buy it ;P), too:

blender furniture tutorial

kk, that should get you started... or at least busy for a while ;)

Same old, same old ;P

Basically, this "Blog" ... what does that mean anyways? whatever... i guess i'm starting this because i'm beginning developing in IMVU ... for those who dont know it, its basically a chat client with avatars and a ton of customization, if youre interested, check it out at:

Developing means i'm making clothing and stuff, well at least i'm trying, havent quite gotten the hang yet, but i'll keep you up to date. And i'll try to explain what i learn, too, isnt that nice of me? ;P